When in the cloud, it’s important to not just sit back and think that you're done. It’s time to get on top of your game, stay there and accelerate.
Last week we took a look at 3 important things to have in mind before take-off. Now, let’s set up a simple example of the steps when implementing a solution to get things back on track. Then let's jump forward so you can take a look at how the end-game can look like.
1st week: Assessment & Governance
2nd week: Prove
3rd week: Deploy
4th week: Accept
The end-game in the cloud
You now have an architecture and solution in place, built to support your business. Let’s go through some important aspects; what the cloud and we as a partner can provide, for your business to succeed with the IT strategy.
You own your environment
If you sign a CSP agreement, the CSP partner is providing you with Microsoft Cloud subscriptions, licenses and support. While you own your environment. If you’re not happy with your CSP partner, you can easily move your environment over to a different one.
We can help you migrate, build or optimize your environment. Whether it's from on-prem or from the cloud. Let’s look at an example from a project we’ve done at a customer of ours. On the topic many businesses have a great interest in, saving money - the goal should not be to save money but use it on the right things. One of our customers saved about 50% on their consumption by optimizing their environment in the migration process, something we often see can be done.
Scale after your needs
Don’t sign long-term contracts, just look at how updates and new releases that have come the last years. Its easy to then end up investing in old technology or in resources you can’t take 100% advantage of later. Only pay for what you need and use at the time, keep up with the speed of technology and update along the way. At the same time make sure that you implement what’s most beneficial for your business.
We often see new customers paying more than they need or use. By going through their current licenses and setting them up with Microsoft's more modern packages and features, they end up with actually just paying for what they use. With CSP you can add / change / remove licenses and subscriptions as you need them, which makes it easy to scale, react to changes and only pay for what you actually use - CSP offers great flexibility.
Proactivity with modern monitoring solutions
Get ahead of errors and downtime, and spend less time having to fix issues. We can provide monitoring solutions for everything from clients, servers, PaaS and SaaS solutions. We can also monitor your license and subscription usage, to make sure you're up to date and building up knowledge enough to do the right choices.
The cloud and its many possibilities can help you accelerate your business. By implementing technology for more automation of processes and improved collaboration, you can make your business more efficient. The efficiency can free up time and resources to innovate, improve and expand your products. Use the cloud to your advantage, see the possibilities and dare to be proactive. Make all the can's into will's. It will then be a great base for you to reach your goals.
We hope you enjoyed the read and that you’re having a great summer. If you have any questions or want to know more about how you can make the transition smoother; don’t hesitate to contact us.