We are proud to announce our recent achievement, aka not-so-humble humblebrag
We’ve been named Security Partner Finalist in Microsoft’s Partner Awards 2021.
Each year Microsoft receives thousands of nominations in different categories across 130 countries. So, we won’t hide it – it’s a big deal to get to the finals, when you compete with some of the biggest names in the IT world. We said we’ll challenge the established – and it feels great to be recognized for it.
Why Security?
Security is a major concern for any business that has sensitive data and online presence. The more processes happen online, the bigger the risk if something goes wrong: be it a couple of hours of downtime in your web shop, loss of customer data, or anything in between.
Many companies in the Nordics have always been digital, and now the pandemics has pushed even the most traditional ones to go online. At the same time, the cyber attacks are increasing in numbers and creativity, so any company needs to watch over their assets and processes in the online space. That’s usually easier said than done, because, honestly, it can be tricky to get a good overview and stay alert at any time. And if you don’t have good tools, you’ll know you’re hacked when it’s already happened.
“Security covers everything around your Identity, your Devices and your Data. In the modern world, security is configured in the cloud. The business must enable the employees with the right set of tools”, - says Tormod Eek, our Commercial Lead.
So, we’ve set on a mission to develop security solutions that help companies protect their business, are easy to implement, and – here’s the best part – are constantly optimized and updated, so you get the latest and greatest at any time. Our clients love them, and now Microsoft paid their respects, too. We are happy and grateful for the recognition, even more committed to deliver value to our clients and further develop our products to meet their evolving needs.
"Many business owners don't take the necessary security measures before something actually goes wrong, at the expense of their own organisation and customers.
Our "security mission" is to help businesses understand the threats and vulnerabilities in their infrastructure, and to make sure they work proactively with security so they won't be victimized",- says Ellen Marie Nyhus, our CEO.
How did we get there?
We don’t need to say it takes a lot of expertise to build good products. What we think makes ours different, is the curiosity – needed to understand the client’s needs, and the reality of running a business, when IT is not the core of it. So, we focus on delivering value without complicating things.
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If you have a hunch that your security needs some extra armor – it’s better to talk to one of our people. Just send us a line here.