We started the new year by welcoming a great addition to the team. We are happy to announce that Marte has joined the team as a Cloud Business Advisor. She will have the responsibility to help new customers onboard with cloud solutions.

Marte has a bachelor’s degree in sales and marketing. For the last few years she has been working as an account manager and advisor, delivering digital marketing solutions to customers. With experience and great insight from working with SMB companies, she's now ready to challenge herself and further develop in the exciting world of IT.
Marte decided to join the Ironstone team because of the way in which the organization communicates with the customers and deliver services, among other things.
"I really like the concept of advising and finding the right solution for customers, not having to push out products that may not be right for them. Working with customers and in the process helping them achieve even more is really fun.” - Marte Forsetløkken, Cloud Business Advisor
We are thrilled that Marte has joined us, and we all look forward to working with you!
“Welcome Marte, we’re happy to have you onboard!“ - Harald Karlsen, Sales and Relations Director