
The evolution of deployment

Written by The Ironstone Team | Oct 19, 2017 8:37:12 AM

After the launch of Windows 10 and the emerge of modern devices, the game of delivering devices to your users have changed. By selecting modern devices, features like BitLocker ships out of the box and Windows manage updates for both apps, operating system and most essential drivers through Windows update or the vendors update management tools themselves.

Last week we addressed some of the potential risks and issues that we often hear from customers and users. You can read the blogpost here. Undermining the mobile devices and the vast amount of information that is accessible and stored on those (potentially) unsecured devices not only pose a huge risk, but represent an increase in management and downtime cost for the organization.


Modern device deployment

First things first. Ensure that your employee could work out of any device that the user finds appealing, of course, as long as the minimum requirement set from your organization. Now get us wrong, there is nothing wrong in having a selection of devices that your organization recommends, but if your user prefer to do E-mail out from their (private) iPad or gaming desktop at home, instead of their clumsy laptop. Why not?

By opening for these devices, it is even more important to reduce costs in terms of deployment. Simply, just don't deploy. Enroll the devices into your corporate domain by either applying Windows AutoPilot or by logging in with the user's corporate credential and let the cloud do its magic: Operating system and driver updates are managed by Windows Update and could be configured to meet your desire through update rings and intelligent learning in the cloud. Modern apps on either Windows 10 or mobile devices are deployed and updated with a few clicks of the mouse or touches on the screen.


Lifecycle management in the cloud

The shift is real and the initial deployment has shifted from a IT-department operation, to be an end user centric process that no longer require heavy on-prem resources or processes. The true benefit is the power of the cloud to give your organization the insight; a report on your user's devices and data. With tools like Microsoft Intune and Azure Information protection, both applications, operating systems, devices and the corporate data itself is kept updated and secured no matter where and when the user consume- and produce information on any device.


Be productive and save costs

When comparing the current and the desired state of deployment, it is easy to get lost in the variety of benefits and empowering features, by selecting modern deployment and onboarding. 

Traditionally, you would rely on third-party tools and features to support your mobile users when outside the corporate network. Now you can empower these mobile users to be productive, updated and secure with features that used to require management, updates and resources. This frees up your IT staff to focus on developing new services and user experiences for the end users.


We at Ironstone are ready to take you and your organization to the future of deployment.
Read about our cloud client solution and management
here or download our guide about the solution below. 



Written by: Alexander Solaat Rødland 
MVP Windows and Devices for IT